
Pablo Ojeda reveals the danger of what many of us do with chickens: “never”


Pablo Ojeda reveals the danger of what many of us do with chickens: “never”

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EIn the field of nutrition, Myths about some products are quite common topics. Many common beliefs that, when it comes to them, are not entirely true or, more directly, wrong, although they have settled in the collective memory. In the case of chickens, there are several issues that Pablo Ojeda Placed on the table in the radio space of ‘Las Maanas’, the kiss of the secretary of state program.

Pablo Ojeda reveals the danger of what many of us do with chickens: "Never"

The nutritionist, a regular face on television and radio, reveals many myths about this product, one of the most common in all Spanish homes. First of all, Ojeda confirms that “Chicken, even if it’s Yellow, doesn’t mean it’s healthier”. The expert explained that “They charge you five euros per millisecond, but they just gave him a Maz”, Which gives this yellow color to chickens.

Pablo Ojeda: “chicken skin can be eaten perfectly”

Another of the most widespread issues is that Chicken skin fattens multiple sclerosis. However, the specialized nuance “can be eaten perfectly” because it is an area “It has a lot of protein, it has a good amount of fat, but it doesn’t have much more calories than chicken, about 50 or 70 calories”.

Pablo Ojeda reveals the danger of what many of us do with chickens: "Never"

In the same line, many people wash chicken without knowing that it is not good. “You will never have to clean it for the simple reason that the bacteria of this species of birds can spread in the kitchen by drying it with a cloth”, The seal of Pablo Ojeda. Cross-contamination can occur when using such cookware later.

Therefore, Even later you may feel bad when these bacteria grow in other places. An important topic, as well as another, serves to demystify some points about this premium product for millions of consumers.

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